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Zion Ward holding sign for iUrban Teen summit
The Skanner News
Published: 25 April 2014

25 PPS Elementary Schools Showcase Student Art in City Hall

From April 23 through May 1, Art is Elementary, a collection of student art from local Portland elementary schools, will show at City Hall. The exhibit highlights the positive impact of the Arts Education & Access Fund, which helps restore arts education in classrooms across the city.
Art teachers from Portland Public Schools (PPS) organized the show to thank Portlanders for their support of the Arts Education & Access Fund. Participating schools include Ainsworth, Boise-Eliot/Humboldt, Scott, Cesar Chavez and Woodstock, among others.
A reception to thank the community for supporting arts education funding will take place on Wednesday, April 30 at City Hall from 3:30-5 p.m., including a short program at 4 p.m.
In its first year, the Arts Education & Access Fund distributed nearly $7,000,000 to six public school districts in Portland, making it possible to hire certified arts teachers and offer arts programs and access for all students. In PPS, for example, the money helped fund 45.5 positions in arts, music, drama and dance.
Portlanders can pay the $35 per person Arts Tax and get more information through the City at www.portlandoregon.gov/revenue.

Multiple Sclerosis Walk Sunday, April 27 in Vancouver

More than 750 people are expected to rally together for Walk MS Oregon on Sunday, April 27th, 9am at EstherShortPark in Vancouver. Participants will hel p raise funds for critical, cutting edge research that benefits more than 7,700 people living with multiple sclerosis in the region. It's a great day for friends, family and co-workers to make connections, have fun and stomp all over MS.
The location is 100 percent accessible and features an easy, 5k walk route with entertainment and refreshments along the way. While there is no fundraising minimum or fee to register, the National MS Society encourages a $5 minimum donation and for everyone to invite their friends and family to participate.
Register and learn more at: www.walkMSoregon.com

Grace Kuto Holds benefit for Chwele, Kenya

The Annual Benefit Drum and Dance Concert for Chwele, Kenya is Sunday, April 27 from 2 to 5 p.m. at TigardCommunityFriendsChurch, by TigardHigh School at 15800 SW Hall Blvd, Tigard.

The benefit is for women and children in rural Kenyan communities to create income for self-sustaining programs in healthcare, education and micro-credit businesses. 

In addition to the concert, the event features fun activities for children and adults for a memorable authentic African experience. Come eat, shop, play and learn and have fun while you make a difference.

For more information email [email protected] or go to www.chwelekenya.org

White House Honored STEM+Arts Program Returns For Third Year in Portland

The nationally recognized iUrban Teen Summit returns for its third year at the University of Portland Campus on Saturday, May 17. 

The summit merges science, technology and innovation all wrapped up into a career exploration day for underrepresented teens. Youth from across the Portland Metro area will converge at the University of Portland campus eager to engage and learn from iUrban Teen industry partners.

We also convene parents for a two-hour roundtable reviewing how to navigate through the school system, college preparation, and communication strategies developed by Michigan’s Educational Think Tank.

Our target demographic is black and brown male youth, however, the program is inclusive of all youth who fall within the Non-Traditional STEM learners’ category” states iUrban Teen Founder Deena Pierott.

For more information go to www.iurbanteen.org.

Congolese Project Slideshow

Portland artist and printmaker Roger Peet recently returned from the Democratic Republic of Congo, where he coordinated a project of conservation theater with Congolese scientists and artists. The project toured remote villages by bicycle.

Peet presents images, music, video and stories from the project April 29, 7:30 p.m. at the Alleyway Bar, 2415 NE Alberta St.

Peet wrote and directed several short skits, made elaborate masks, and documented the project through photography, video, and audio recording. The performances took place in seven villages near the proposed Lomami National Park, in a region of high insecurity menaced by warlords, poachers, and renegade elements of Congo's national army.

More about the project at www.lomamibandanas.tumblr.com/.

Training to Help Chefs Keep the Flavor, Cut the Salt

A free culinary training on strategies to enhance flavor and reduce sodium is to chefs from locally owned, independent restaurants in Clark County, Tuesday April 29, 9 – 11 a.m. at Clark College Columbia Tech Center, 18700 SE Mill Plain Blvd., in the Cooking School Kitchen.

The instructor is Chef Garrett Berdan, a registered dietitian who offers culinary workshops for professional cooks across the country. Garrett has been recognized by the White House as a “Champion of Change” and is past president of the Oregon Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Registration is required; please contact [email protected] or 360-397-8000 ext. 7291.

Mount Hood Emergency Preparedness Expo May 2-3

The bi-annual Mount Hood Emergency Preparedness Expo will be held Friday-Saturday, May 2-3 at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Boring at12300 S.E. 312th Ave. The event is free and open to the pubic.

The expo, which will feature more than 60 workshops and 30 displays, will run from 11:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Friday, May 2, and from 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday, May 3.

This community event, designed to help local residents prepare for a disaster, will feature a wide variety of workshops including first aid, fire safety, financial planning, food storage, firearm safety, organic gardening, bee keeping, and more.

Visitors will receive free hands-on training and resources from local experts and professionals in emergency preparedness, disaster management, and self-reliance.

Portland State University Geology Professor and widely known speaker, Dr. Scott Burns, will deliver a keynote address at 2:00 pm Saturday, May 3, about the scientific evidence of an impending major earthquake in the Pacific Northwest.

For more information, contact event chairperson Patti Paxson at 971-645-6847 or by email at[email protected].

The Rosewood Initiative Mother's Day Market

The Rosewood Initiative Mother's Day Market will be on Saturday May 3, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. inside The Rosewood Initiative building located at16126 SE Stark Street, Portland.

The event is free and open to the public allowing shoppers the opportunity to find the right gift for mom or spend some quality time together. If you're looking for an opportunity to support local artisans and try delicious food, The Rosewood Initiative Mother's Day Market is just the place.
The Rosewood Initiative is a non-profit organization dedicated to making the Rosewood area a desirable place to live, work and play.

For more information about The Rosewood Initiative or The Rosewood Initiative Mother's Day Market you can contact them on the web at rosewoodinitiative.org or call 503-208-2562.

Commissioners seek applicants for Board of Equalization vacancies

The Board of County Commissioners is seeking applicants to fill two seats on the Clark County Board of Equalization.

One position is for a full-term board member, and one is for an alternate to serve on an on-call basis. Terms are for three years.
The board provides an impartial citizen forum in which property owners can resolve issues of assessed valuation and exemptions. Members are paid $75 per day while attending meetings. Meetings usually are Tuesday through Thursday and scheduled during regular business hours, as needed.
Applicants should have knowledge of real and personal property, Clark County, property appraisal techniques and property tax law. Experience or education in the building trades also is helpful.
Applicants should submit a letter of interest and resume to Jennifer Clark, Board of County Commissioners, P.O. Box 5000, Vancouver, WA 98666-5000 or email [email protected].

Deadline is 5 p.m. Wednesday, May 7.

To learn more, visit www.clark.wa.gov/board-of-equalization/index.html.

For more Portland events check out The Skanner News community calendar

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