PHOTO: Arun Gandhi, a grandson of India's legendary leader, Mohandas K. ‘Mahatma’ Gandhi, speaks on "Teaching Peace in Turbulent Times" at the PCC Cascade Campus, 205 N. Killingsworth St. Thursday, Jan. 22, in the Moriarity Auditorium, Rm. 104. Doors open at 10:45 a.m.; the presentation will take place from 11-11:30 a.m., and the Q&A will take place from approximately 11:30 a.m.-noon. The presentation is followed by a Q&A with the audience; the entire event is free and open to the public. For more information on his work, go to For more on Portland Community College events, go to
Sisters of the Road King Observances
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. has had an impact on the mission and work of Sisters Of The Road since the first day, 35 years ago. Sisters philosophies of Nonviolence, Dining with Dignity, Gentle Personalism, Systemic Change, and Anti-Oppression inform each new program and the ways we organize for justice and human rights for all.
On Monday, Jan. 19, Sisters will be having a special meal day in the cafe, with special activities in the Personalist Center, including a movie to inspire our community, and sign making for the rally on Wednesday. Everyone is invited to join us for lunch and to participate in the day with us!
Martin Luther King, Jr. began a historic and controversial movement on poverty. On Wednesday, Jan. 21, Sisters will be participating in a morning action with Right 2 Survive at Portland City Council.
Folks will march from Right 2 Dream, Too, W. Burnside at 4th Ave., at 8:30 a.m., and gather for a rally at City Hall, 1221 SW 4th Ave. at 9 a.m. Public testimony will happen from 9:30-10:30 a.m., bringing awareness to the “Right 2 Rest Act” and unjust criminalization of people based on housing status.
For more information go to
PCC Open House
Portland Community College hosts an open house to celebrate its two newest buildings at the Cascade Campus, 705 N. Killingsworth St.
“New Beginnings” runs from 2-6 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 20 and includes tours of both the new Student Union and Cascade Hall at PCC Cascade. The program – to take place in the student lounge on second floor of the Student Union – begins at 4:30 p.m. and will include comments from College President Jeremy Brown, Cascade President Karin Edwards, students, faculty, the PCC Board of Directors and local legislators. Food, music, and a light show will be offered, as well. The open house is free and open to the public.
Both buildings are part of the college’s 2008 voter-approved $374 million bond program with $58 million going to the construction and improvements at Cascade.
The area between the two new buildings is a landscaped plaza that will be part of an east-west “mall” running through the entire campus once construction is complete. Below the plaza and the two buildings is an underground parking garage that opened this past September. The 211-space garage is the first of its kind to be built on any PCC campus. Its design was part of the college’s commitment to the neighbors and the City of Portland to reduce the number of college-related vehicles parking on local streets.
For more information go to
Free FAFSA Workshop at Warner Pacific
College Goal Oregon is a free event at Warner Pacific on Saturday, Jan. 17, from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m., 2219 SE 69th Ave., in Egtvedt Hall, room 203, Portland.
The event is for students including high school, college and non-traditional returning students, parents/guardians, and anyone who wants assistance in completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). You do not need to be enrolled at Warner.
Offered are assistance with completing your FAFSA, presentations about scholarships and information on paying for college.
Space is limited so RSVP to reserve your spot today at
2015 Teen Summer Reading Art Contest
The Washington County Cooperative Library Services is launching the 2015 Teen Summer Reading Art Contest. This year’s Teen Summer Reading theme will be: Unmask!
The winning design will be used for all countywide 2015 WCCLS Teen Summer Reading program materials, such as posters, bookmarks, forms, flyers, etc. The artwork must represent the Teen Summer Reading theme “Unmask!” and must be the original work of the entrant. Visit for complete contest rules.
Prizes will be awarded for First Place, Second Place and Honorable Mention. First Prize, a Powell’s Books gift card valued at $150; second prize, a $50 gift certificate for Blick Art Materials retail store; honorable mention, a $25 gift certificate for Blick Art Materials retail store.
The contest is open to all Washington County library card holders, ages 12 – 18 at the time of submission. Submit your original artwork at your local WCCLS member library through Feb. 14.
For more information go to
Portland’s Black Creative Collective @ Work
Stop by the Collins Gallery at the Central Branch of the Multnomah County Library from Jan. 24 through March 8 to check out a curated installation of Portland's Black creatives mobilizing visual art, printed materials, movement, and voice to honor and celebrate the intersection of interests, histories, and cultural production of our community.
Then join the poets, performers, and image makers of Portland’s Black Creative Collective: BrownHall for an art-filled Opening Reception on Saturday, Feb. 7 at 2 pm.
Featuring: Akela Jaffi Auer, Turiya Autry, Samiya Bashir, Aasha Benton, Aisha Edwards, Diamond Ferguson, Chris Fuzell, Keyon Gaskin, Jamondria Harris, Elijah Hasan, Lin Lucas, Nakeia R. Medcalf, André Middleton, S. Renee Mitchell, Sidony O'neal, Alex Riedlinger, Jonny Sanders, Sharita Towne, Tasha Triplett, David Walker.
Free and open to the public, Collins Gallery, 3rd Floor Central Library, 801 SW10th Avenue, Portland.
For more information go to
Help with Grieving
“Seven Strategies: Coping with the Recent Death of a Loved One,” is offered for the next two months at Providence Health facilities. The free, one-hour presentation is open to anyone in the community who has been bereaved in the past year.
The workshop offers suggestions on how to cope during the weeks and months following the death of a loved one, including information on additional resources available in the community. You are welcome to attend any one of the following presentations.
Providence Portland Medical Center, 4805 NE Glisan Street, Portland, Tuesday, Jan. 27, 11 am – noon or Thursday, Feb. 19, 7 – 8 p.m.
Cancer Center Room CProvidence Willamette Falls Community Center, 519 15th Street, Oregon City, Monday, Feb. 9, 11 am – noon, Conference Room C
Providence St. Vincent Medical Center, (East Pavilion Entrance), 9205 SW Barnes Road, Portland, Thursday, Jan. 15, 7 – 8 p.m. or Tuesday, February 24, 1- 2 p.m., Stanley-Shaffer Room 22
Providence Newberg Medical Center, 1001 Providence Drive, Newberg, Saturday, Jan. 24, 1- 2 p.m., Dundee Room
Because of limited space, registration is appreciated. For more information or to register, please contact Anne Kister at 503-215-4636 or [email protected].
For more events in Portland and Seattle see our community calendar.